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Are You Really Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur? Views: 777
Feb 19, 2010 5:38 pmAre You Really Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur? #

Michael Lemm

You hear lots of discussion everyday about the personal "failure rate" amongst those who "work for themselves". It's a pretty popular subject for forum discussions. There's plenty of sad stories passed around. Note: some stories are definitely legit, don't get me wrong here. But often there's "more to the story" as Paul Harvey would say.

Folks complain about their "lack" of results (notice I said "their" lack), blame everything but themselves (usually), constantly search for "the" way to turn things around (e.g. "the right system"), and/or routinely jump to the next "thing" because the last "thing" didn't work.

Now hold on their Cowboy (errrr....Cowgirl too).

"You" need to step back....breath deep....and take another look.

I believe there are some who are cut out to be their own boss and some who are not. We come across people everyday looking into starting their own business....using all kinds of models and business types. But unfortunately many don't really know if they have what it takes. Too often they're coming from the "give my boss 40 hrs/wk, collect a paycheck" mentality. Or worse yet..."sit on the couch eating Doritos 'cuz it should be so easy". That just doesn't work.

Before they/you get started into business for themselves/yourself there's a simple test called the “Self-Employment Test”.... specifically designed to measure your prospects for success. This is the perfect self examination to get people thinking about "working for themselves".


The test is from the book, “Is Self-Employment for You? by Paul Casey (you can get it at Amazon.com if interested). This book goes beyond the ABC’s of how to write a business plan but examines the potential entrepreneur’s emotional readiness and personality traits that ultimately make the difference between success and failure.

This test is very simple. Read the questions and assign yourself a number between 1 and 5, where 1 is the lowest score, and 5 is the highest. For example, in the first question, "Are you a leader?" A score of 1 means, "I have absolutely no leadership skills whatsoever. My dog doesn’t even follow me on walks." A score of 5 means, "I am an experienced leader in every sense of the word. If not for my dream of starting my own business, I would be running for president."

As Paul says....you need to be completely honest with yourself on this test! Do not make yourself out to be more or less than you really are. Again, this test will help you to determine your prospects for success, but only if you are honest in assessing your own strengths and weaknesses.

Anyway don't despair if you don't score well it just means you may have a few things to work on. If you're willing to that is.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business.....DO Business"


Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Feb 20, 2010 5:20 amre: Are You Really Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur? #

Marilyn Jenett

The folks that are complaining about lack of results are not getting results because they are complaining about lack of results.

Am I making sense to you? :-)

It is an immutable law of the Universe that the more we complain about something, the more we will have to complain about. Yes, it's a self fulfilled prophecy.

It is an immutable law of Marilyn that when her students stop complaining and fill their minds with words and thoughts of success and gratitude for success - they succeed!

It's a no brainer. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, then start thinking and talking and feeling like one. Stop complaining and talking and writing about what you DON'T want because your subconscious accepts your words literally and will create it for you.

That being said, I don't think everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It requires an inner foundation to be able to move beyond fear to the unknown and live with risk and challenge. Many people are much happier in supporting roles and with what they believe is security in their lives. Entrepreneurs know that security is not outer - it's an inner game.

However, if someone IS willing to step into that unknown territory called entrepreneurship, then I think there is a good chance that they are being prompted from within to become push forward to independence. That's a good start.
But THEN they must be willing to learn the laws that apply to success and USE them.


P.S. I haven't been on Ryze much these days. I do stop in at my network now and then. So I thought I would drop in to say hello and of course I saw this post and had to offer my two thousand cents :-)

P.S.S. Hope everyone here on Ryze is doing well. I miss the way Ryze used to be active and the way Ryze encourages real communication, but the energy has really gone to other sites as you know. I don't care for Twitter but Facebook has been great for me - even have my own Fans now.

Marilyn Jenett
In the Media: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/MediaRelease.pdf

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 10, 2010 8:40 amre: re: re: Are You Really Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur? #

Bobbi Jo Woods
Here's how I did:

75-87 Points: You have scored an average for all of the combined traits for measuring your prospects for success. Unless you improve in many areas you will have an average chance of succeeding.

I ranked myself:

Low - in areas of:
- organization
- being patient (short fuse alert!)
- finances
- handling failure and adversity
- being flexible in terms of seeing other's point of view
- being well-liked (not many people like geek-speak, and I get along better with computers most of the time, than with people)

Average to fair - as far as:
- being able to work alone
- focusing on both small and big details
- executing tasks with ease (not always good at this)
- decision-making (I can be a bit indecisive but it's because I've learned that I tended to make snap decisions and then face consequences later, so I've gotten myself poorly trained to stop doing that, and wind up playing eenie-meenie-minee-mo all the time, now!)

Good to excellent
- trusting others
- having a sense of humor
- being creative
- working under pressure
- being a leader/confident

Private Reply to Bobbi Jo Woods

Apr 02, 2010 3:47 pmre: re: re: re: Are You Really Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur? #

Michael Lemm
To repeat ... so you know where I'm coming from by sharing this assessment tool:

"IMHO...and to likely over generalize...the "tool" is best applied not to see if you're "cut out" to become an entrepreneur, but rather what areas you need to work on to become a successful entrepreneur. Sort of a glass half full approach.....not dowsing the flame just learning how to get it to burn brighter."

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

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